hi, just stumbled upon your blog while i tried to figure out what people with same basic idea do with their creativity. loved going through your pictures - specially istanbul since i am going to be there in a few days.
you might wanna check my blog. i just started about a year ago with analogue photography (after a digital slr started to bore me) and had little time so far. not really much to see, but my pictures are little different from yours... just take a look if you want.
Hej Sanna. Fina Oslo! Jag längtar ofta tillbaka, även om jag kanske inte trivdes helt när jag bodde där. För mycket jobb och stress antar jag, men det minns jag knappt... bara det goda kollektivet, akersälva, trabant, indigo, rockbarer och parkhäng. Tack för en tillbakablick till de goda minnena. Kram! // Simon
hi, just stumbled upon your blog while i tried to figure out what people with same basic idea do with their creativity. loved going through your pictures - specially istanbul since i am going to be there in a few days.
you might wanna check my blog. i just started about a year ago with analogue photography (after a digital slr started to bore me) and had little time so far. not really much to see, but my pictures are little different from yours... just take a look if you want.
greetings, take care and keep it up!
Hej Sanna. Fina Oslo! Jag längtar ofta tillbaka, även om jag kanske inte trivdes helt när jag bodde där. För mycket jobb och stress antar jag, men det minns jag knappt... bara det goda kollektivet, akersälva, trabant, indigo, rockbarer och parkhäng. Tack för en tillbakablick till de goda minnena. Kram! // Simon
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