
the door to this café is always closed. one night we passed it and it was open and some middle aged men were sitting inside smoking cigarettes in a warm yellow light that leaked out in the dark blue night.

korean newspapers.

toystore in western with used toys.

i needed some toys for a music video. i found two dolls, one batman doll and one powerranger doll. about 20 dollars, pretty expensive.

wounded boy in school cafeteria

the roof

ben´s pipe

i put some lipgloss on alazar.

he loves the roof, and sleep there sometimes at night.

the boys are trying to fix bens motorcycle.

friday; 24 hours; spring dance

waiting for the train at kedzie.


ben is trying to call someone that can describe the way to the dance cause we got lost on the way there.


rebelling bourgeoisie kids.

after the spring dance dan came and picked fnan and me up and we tried to find some kind of after party. we ended up in some apartments down town. one of its owners was a woman in her 40´s. she was totally wasted and had really nice dogs. at least one of the dogs was hers, i can´t really remember.

friday; 24 hours; andersonville